
14 min readMar 16, 2023



. . . . . . .

We stepped inside our inner temple

and found ourselves tied in knots

keeping us together and apart

needing enemies, to be the victors in our minds

needing victory to be different to our enemies

and the neighbor I despised came with tenderness to comfort me


Your knot seems to be stopping you to


to see

to grow

to give

to share

to be even happy for a day

To untie your knot

needs two people other

but, but.. if I let go of my hold which is pulling it tighter

like a blanket squeezed to sleep

like the consolation of tears

If I let go of it’s tightness and let go of my hold

Will you support me to be safe?

Yes, we will

but we need your help

We need you to hold, and together with another, untie one end of another’s knot

so that they can be safe too

Can you do that?

you see so many of us got tied up in knots

we all thought it was the only way to be

We could have untied our own knots, yet felt threatened with the thought of the anger, the incendiary rage that came from the pain of the others, them being tied in knots, the same the same the same

Unable to untie themselves

So beginning with the one next to us

we began to untie

each other’s knots

the wounds, the losses

the fears, real and imaginary

the anguish

the pride

the resentment

the hatred

the blame

the self victimization

the self-justification

the insanity of “mine”

your insanity is mine

was -

the seeking of any way to support and validify our own identity, and story

above those of others

for fear of losing our lives

our rightness

our righteousness

our name

our definition

our identity

our passport

(y)our homeland


stepped inside the walls of the Holy City in our center

and saw walls we had made, many more than the ancients did

we saw confusion and guns

we saw children kicking with fear in their eyes

taken from their mother’s arms with a stone in their hand crying not even knowing why

the big men in green with guns took my brother

laughed at my little sister

ignored my mother’s pleas for mercy, and shot my father

we saw spiderman, batman and superman in the pants and t-shirts and lace-less shoes we had found on the ground

we saw frightened soldiers

between temples and mosques and churches promising each a perfect future

for their own brand of congregations and visiting masses

yet ignoring the others in the last page

closing the book in our own time before the resolution, revelation of names

we chose to see ourselves better

and we chose to see others


while we claimed to praise their Creator

we had been clutching at the candle, claiming it’s light,

and were left just nothing but the shadow of our grasping,

but in trying to shield it from reaching others, we nearly put it out.

really nearly.

we had been reaching for the sun singing mine, it’s mine

and simply this, was the reason it despaired at our deafness this caused/es

the plugs in our ears from its life-giving choir of hope

and oneness

and unity in diversity

as each ray each spirit endlessly streamed through time, arrived to earth, and remembered it’s home

our home

as your home



by each other’s apologies

and each other’s forgiveness

and the freedom of new found kinship


our offering was accepted

we chose

to burn

our flags

we chose to burn

our passports

we chose to burn

our fears

we chose to burn

the wrong in you

we chose to burn

the right in me

we chose to burn

we chose to learn

the right in you

we chose to learn

the wrong in me

the walls down

we chose to burn

in the radiance of peace,

light of Mercy shining ever more through the cracks in the walls tumbling down

released from names, labels,

we saw we had created “them” with our actions and with our fears we had projected outside and the locked doors of our dreams

excluding and exclusive

and as we under stood and stood under





The First Glimpse was

in the eyes of the “others”

in, kind of, and a bit through, their otherness, kind of

Necessarily we saw Him and He spoke

through the voice of a wise open wide open child










the first one we had seen (?) or (?) had we (?) just been




His light in Them always until now?

like the birds and the deers and the tortoises and the kittens and the chickens and hedgehogs and the gazelles and the rabbits

and the sacrificial


No questions lie in His eyes

Truth is it’s own invitation to those with ears to hear

and hearts which seek that to which we are


He walked among us

He walks inside us

He speaks with our tongues

Wherever our hearts submit our minds into the crucible of



Cast upon others and,

in it’s shining through, cleansing like the desert glaze, unblocking the pipes

So received

He sings with our souls

He sees Himself through our eyes in our myriad of colors, as they rest on Himself in



For Thine is the Kingdom

the Power and the Glory

I told you I would return

And I did, really I did come before that time, but you did not hear

did not


to hear

That you had been released into

Full accountability

With the highest light on

Upon all

Full Objectivity

Seeing each two-legged as Children all

And the four-legged’s and the winged ones

Our relatives

What had we done to them?

Moses lived on Manna yet we crave blood and flesh of our friends from the Garden?

What you saw as lost, ours to sovereign state as our own

Sheep saved from slaughter by a rod of mediation

saw as gain


With the fruits of other’s righteous labors

your usury has


my walls

Yet still you are welcome to join Me

Yet still you are welcome


but your guns and your names and your sovereign imperial rights to bear arms and your gas lines and oil wells and your nukes and your aliyot and your claims and your blames and your stolen land deeds


as must your lack of remorse for a million chopped ancient olives

and ten thousand bountiful figs

razed and the last ashes burned that none may see the hundreds of years they grew upon

just like those spoken of in scriptures

while waiting for another ones

“special” ones

with new names written on them

while the names of those who served Me in planting them are



lied about

spat upon


by force

by billion dollar arms deals

by powerful influences in highest courts

above, way above

any law

by free trips to meet Benji

for those who print shekels and the dollars and the eyes on them

By hotels paid and offers made and promises cast abundantly and fulfilled upon obedience with




All of these things

You must

Repent of

Leave behind

As a dog leaves its waste

And does not return to it

and as you apologize from the place inside where you know you have lived

like the queens and the kings with the slaves and the smallpox blankets

on top of another’s hopes and fruits legacies lineages and roots

and as you are forgiven and released


Your now open arms

Can begin to rub your eyes and see

The child

(He is here!

Call the feast!

We share when we care!)

Has returned

To open

our eyes (emptying the trash which blocked inside!)

To the sun we missed shining as we lost the ears to drink bountifully of its voice

Which will melt us into brotherhood and determination to mirror its ideas into a world forgiven at even the slightest muttering of repentance crushing and cracking the shell of its burdened heart

Wings open pushing with aching freedom from a chrysalis we forgot we had temporarily, but wrongly, called home

and the mirrors in its wings

mirror those it emerges and awakes to see all around

in the bells and the call to the prayer

in the singing, sweating, sighing, sizzling, lit with exultation, like the perfect song, the perfect painting like the perfect shop-tending like the perfect water-fetching like the perfect window cleaning like the perfect cutting of fries like the perfect planting of trees and gifting of olive oil

That which was always there

in opening the arms to the sun

and at last we can see clearly

the source and the cause

of the deepest and final question in our eyes

as it is asked and answered together

Who really really really opens the arms which reach to the sky?

Could it have been



Are we even ready for the sun?

Can we face even how we began?

Can we surrender and serve all that comes?

Can we think a ray of sunlight give life when cut from it’s source?

How on earth

can we claim

to be something

to know anything

Which is not cast, dripped, graced into our hearts from above?

Reflected around through the Truth — that love?

And seen as lived in the very same


Bursting our shells, and remembering



to fly is not to leave home


to return to it.

And so we honor strive to obey and see

Our Holy City lit with festive lights

Inviting us all to pray in our tongues

Their tongues

One Song

Of Peace

Is this what he meant when he said

Jerusalem should be a unifying city of peace?

And that the peace and security and wellbeing and abundance of the region

Depends on this very same we see before and within our eyes

Your eyes

My eyes

Her eyes

His eyes

Will from this moment forth enforce the Law

Peace is the Law

Peace and harmony

Love and respect

Love one another as ourselves

and love the Lord our God

With all of our hearts and all of our souls

This command has been given unto us

Will this be the beginning of our New Earth as we hand out the bread of our convictions, each bite a seed?

Innocent untouched

Or will we forget what our consciences call us to

Pull down the efforts of others

Insist to resew a veil that was torn

by nails driven into an untouched perfect pure yet chided and chastised body for no sake but our own transgressions?

and all the thunder and lightning that comes when

the Sky decides

None can refuse

And woe on thee who would try!

Yet the voices of the world are calling

Cannot you feel the echoes of halls of treasures which do worry or mind the moths and the worms

To fall into the trap

Laid by the

prince of this world

replacement Messiah

falsest of prophets

unholy yet artificial intelligence

Unimaginable wealth and power given to all who will beg, bribe and obey

Cleverly avoiding the truth of the Lamb he slew… yet fears more than all else!

More even than the unholiest silos of things he gave on credit those not so hidden blasphemies, which can smugly destroy life itself (as smug as the deceptions of cartoons before the nations)

Lest it’s Meekness be revealed

Curtain torn

Holy of Holies, wide opened to all, as the walls crash down to let in the sun

Now seen here, there and everywhere!

Sacred knowing there is no end to the blood and the water given freely

How can there be from a Lamb which is, in fact, God?

St Catherine bled milk.

Yet he, the corporate king of corporate lords and company owners

Impostor in a branded tower, craves more power

Wants it all! everyone! the whole monty!

his temple throne is calling!

Invited by wars and rumours of wars

and sitting as still as freshly stacked plastic

upon a throne of earthly dominion


Hierarchy of bar code branding

Of Credit card promises

and he, who courts the whore in each and every loin.

Calls the tied, to unheed and ignite the abomination of desolation

From Dimona and Tehran

To erase our footprints, our flesh and our souls from God’s sight

Never to be heard from again

So.. though I feel I cannot breathe under the pressure of all I see and feel,

I can shout out loud with nothing left to lose or hide -

Call for an Uprising!

How is there time for less when they tie down all of the pegs of their tents with with open cheques ready to be signed?

We are at a crossroads in time like never before

Untie the pains of the others gently with care as we would pull a shard of glass from our own child’s sensitive pure innocent skin

And return to the Cradle of out lost civilization for answers and wisdom long known long forgotten

Learning what we seek from the other letters of other alphabets

Remembering when we saw each one as parts of a whole

Or lose sight of it all in the clouds of apathy in the daily herald of our responsibilities dressed in five hundred dollar ties on Fox News BBC and CNN?

We can stand up and care

Fight until we win the final battle together inside of ourselves

And sit down together like those in Iceland who insisted on a new way and another chance to get things right together

Where they are now happy

And not a single drop of blood was spilt

yet the bankster and the gangsters and their political puppets are now gone and forgotten or in well-earned prison cells.

The only voices which can be heard throughout the ripples of time

Are our own lives and examples

But right now the siren’s call is yelling dormant apathy,

the lull to sleep, invited to hand over the responsibility for all those we love, for our very destinies, to the pages of New York Times and Jerusalem Post, all the way to the final announcement from Google News

that thanks to those we did nothing about

we will all now die

Lord Have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy

That we will wake up and stand together as one people undivided by interests

And win this war


We need

to sit

and talk

We need dialogue and circles all sitting in the same sized chairs

We need to sit together until we can understand one another

We need to work it outside

Identity Politicians will NOT work it out

It was a mask and a lie

Their interests are vested in bullet proofed excuses and lies

and handsome


To vocalize their head trips

And tout their flags

Their inability to care scares me

Quite honestly,

Their racism

Scares me

But what scares me more

Are those who feed them

To accomplish their aims and gains

Unknown owners and controls

And that the temptations and the limits of their threats and bribes

are as wide as those who will accept them

They insist that we care about the blue white green red or pink spots and and stars and stripes and all the other sickened confused flags of meaningless pride, never really knowing why armed to the teeth patriotism is supposed to be a virtue

While they care about us

Exactly as much

as they cared about

The people of Iraq








and even

Greater Israel

The list

Goes on

What the ***k means “allies’ in a world where we each have the same worth?

Where the money spent on wars in 8 days can feed us all for 17 years

Where are the Emperor’s clothes now?

We can see


you can fool some people some of the time but

You can’t fool all of us any more

Unless they are fighting a thousand miles away in their hearts those they have never met.

So why do we put up with shit from those who claim to be responsible, yet never claim responsibility?

and who get paid by those who are wringing theirs hand at their gains every time the spokesmen with the votes and the ties bang the drums of war and oil for Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin, Shell and Standard Oil and BP and biological weapons being cultivated in the ……. Institute for ……. and 200 billion on a new Trident and the whoever the fuck gets that drop of their (freshly pressed) money,

what good will they ever do with it but turn it to eat yet more money print and print yet more money (?) and yet

where does the tax feed the poor, who are more and more, as their jobs are automated and laid off, or heal the sick, or house the homeless in a world where the system itself belongs

to the enemies of God

(We need to turn things around






No more failed systems to blame as the excuse for our own greed and lobbied insanity)

Shouldn’t it belong to the life of the Unborn Child, the Newborn Child, which knows not color or sex but that of the eyes it gazes into in awe?

There is good news

Again — in Iceland they sat down until the corrupt bankers and governments had



The people

Are better now

“But they don’t have a war”

“But they aren’t surrounded by people who want to drive us into the sea as we drove them from their homes”

“But they aren’t taught in schools and that they are different from everyone else and hated by everyone else ever so they can do what they pretty much like because there are none to be accountable to but their own God who loves them extra special much since Moses












The clauses came not from Prophets but men

We do not take the life of another

We do not take their homes or their land

And greater still, within us, between us and among us is walking closely beside, hand held out, seeing all in His Heart,

The One

Who kicked the priests from the Temple and foretold it would fall to dust never to arise

Who taught us that His Kingdom in not of this world but of Heaven which we partake of and directly express

as the love of our Father is shown to others

and shared by Himself through our very own hearts.

Who would lose none who are lost

Has handed us the key to unlock the shackles

And taken all we ever did in blindness of educated ignorance

He didn’t only kick the moneylenders from the Temple

But called out those hiding behind the curtains

Ripped it naked and open

For all to see what was not, but claimed to be, of

Ha Shem

and He gave us freely as the air we breath and the soil we step each sacred step upon.

The eternal and limitless truth which was the foundation of all which has roots in God’s wishes

The secret of secrets

The hiddenest of mysteries shrouded only because we are dumb

Three words to set us free and lead us on the road to foreverness

Three words to unharness the power of the Sun upon this Earth

Three words a rope through the darkest canyon sure to lead to sunlight and steps to the seaside with ice-creams and eagles and children and families caring for their neighbors kids as their own

Three words short circuit the tips of the heavens with the depths of the sunken earth –




That’s All.


If only we could hear;

The birds sing it

The wind sing it

The Thunder and Lighting sing it

The crashing ocean waves sing it

The volcanoes and earthquakes and tidal waves sing it

And the


that we are still here

Sings it

And if we will sing it

is up to


The crashing ocean waves sing it

The volcanoes and earthquakes and tidal waves sing it

And the


that we are still here

Sings it

And if we will sing it

Is up to



